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Postponed to date to be defined

The international contemporary dance program organized by NOD for the next season will be a real professional experience that offers performances projects

This additional experience every trimester offers dancers the opportunity to learn more about choreographers who work an idea and present it in a performative context

The international contemporary dance program organized by NOD for the 2019/20 season in collaboration with Mosaico Danza Interplay Festival  a true professional training experience with multiple choreographic projects

"Performance Project May"  with Sita Ostheimer May 4 - 14  (unless otherwise indicated)


NOD is searching for 12 dancers to create and perform, at the end of a 2 week process, a piece by Sita Ostheimer, former dancer with Hofesh Shechter company and current founder and creator of "SOCOMPANY"


- NOD will give 1 scholarship that will cover the total tuition of process, scholarship doesn't cover rental, food or travel

- All dancers chosen in addition to the afternoon creation process they will be able to take advantage of Sita's class every morning


The selection will take place through video applications which will be viewed and selected by Sita herself.

This project is on collaboration with Mosaico danza Interplay Festival, the show will be exhibited during the Festival that will take place outdoors in beautiful picturesque Piazza Vittorio in Turin. (around May 21st - 23rd dates TBC)

Period May 4 - 14 : 11 days from Monday till Friday h: 13,30 - 18,00 Saturday h: 10,00 - 13,00


Application deadline December 30th, the results will be communicated by February 15th

Costs € 500.00 + € 15.0 registration / insurance

Please take note: the week May 15 - May 21st between the end of creation process and the performance at Interplay festival, the rehearsals will continue in a studio available and on request they can participate in the week from 18 to 22 May, included into the International Contemporary Dance Program by paying 50% of the regular fee, furthermore always for this specific week NOD and Interplay will manage their accommodation in case of need


The call for creation process is open to everyone but the final performance will only take place with the 12 selected dancers.This performance project is an initiative outside of the ICD-NOD program, anyone can partecipate.



Send your application by video to (Vimeo or Youtube NO password)

Important to know!

-  For organizational reasons and to speed up the procedure, we ask the chosen dancers to give confirmation within 48 hours of the publication of the list (February 17th)
If payment is not made by that date, it is assumed that you are no longer interested in the project and your saved spot will be assigned to the next dancer  chosen by the choreographer on the second cast list


We inform you that enrollment will be considered complete only after having sent a copy of the payment made


- If you change your mind, notice of cancellation is greatly appreciated as to permanently be deleted from temporary list

- If by reason of Act of God, beyond the control of either party, the workshop/s set out above are cancelled, exclusively for reasons attributable to the organization, it is the obligation of the organization itself, repay the entire amount paid for participation.

METHOD OF PAYMENT:  Banking transfer or Paypal directly form the wbsite next to the teachers informations

  • Payment through bank transfers are made to: BANCA INTESA SAN PAOLO PIAZZA PAOLO FERRARI 10 - 20121 MILANO  - Benefiting:  NUOVA OFFICINA DELLA DANZA A.s.d.  IBAN - IT23B0306909606100000147245   BIC:   BCITITMM.

It's mandatory to  specify your name, last name, trimester or sarting date attending or what month.  Expenses will be charged to the student

  • Payment through Paypal:  Paypal charges, around 4%  are asked to be charged to the student - it will be required only NOD email  or tel numb +393491418033



If by reason of Act of God, beyond the control of either party, the workshop/s set out above are cancelled, exclusively for reasons attributable to the organization, it is the obligation of the organization itself, repay the entire amount paid for participation.

If you cancel, we regret that Nuova Officina della danza Asd cannot make any refunds. Please make sure that you can make the dates

Looking forward to meeting you!

Important updates!


Due to the spread of the epidemic  Interplay Festival which would have included the result of Performance workshop led by Sita Ostheimer has been canceled, the Nuova Officina della Danza, Nod Association is obligated to postpone the project in a more appropriate time.

As for the two-weeks of workshops, always in the same period, unfortunately we cannot predict the future, we would love to be positive, but we still don't know how to behave, we still have to wait for the Italian government to give us instructions after Easter 

We were looking forward to this new and extraordinary quarter and had prepared a wonderful and exciting program, but the health and safety of our guest teachers, students and the whole team are a priority for us.

This page will be continuously updated

Thank you for the understanding

NOD staff

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Nuova officina della danza Torino

Nuova Officina della Danza a.s.d. 
Head Office Corso Guglielmo Marconi 3 - 10125 Turin

C.F. 977 33110015 P.I. 1056 7370019

Via Mantova, 34 - Turin
+39 3491418033           
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