For every class registration member is compulsory: single event € 15,00 or annual € 55,00
If by reason of Act of God, beyond the control of either party, the workshop/s set out above are cancelled, exclusively for reasons attributable to the organization, it is the obligation of the organization itself, repay the entire amount paid for participation.
If you cancel, we regret that Nuova Officina della danza Asd cannot make any refunds. Please make sure that you can make the dates
In accordance with the current Italian laws we need a copy of a current medical certificate stating that you are in good health, before the trimester starting date. In the case of residency abroad, you will be asked to have a medical certificate issued by an Italian doctor here upon your arrival, stating that you are in good health. This will be at your expense.
NOD COVID - 19 PROTOCOL: We ask each participant to have a serological test dated no later than 72 hours before the start of the workshop. This will be at your expense.

Luca Signoretti November 2 - 6
photo credits: Anne Sylvie - Bonnet
Workshop included into NOD International Contemporary dance Program 2019/20 |1st trimester open to 5 external students
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
h: 10,00/13,30 Luca work out.
Wednesday and Friday
h: 9,30/10,45 ballet class with Veli Pekka Peltokallio
h: 11,00/14,30 Luca work out.
Regular fee
€ 130,00 NOD members
€ 130,00 + VAT 22% - Non members rate

Workshop included into NOD International Contemporary dance Program 2020/21 | 1st trimester
Tuesday and Thursday
h: 10,00-11,15 GAGA calss
h: 11,30 - 13,30 Ohad Naharin 's Repertory
Wednesday and Friday
h: 9,00 - 10,15 -Ballet class
h: 10,00 -11,15 - GAGA calss
h: 11,30 - 13,00 - Ohad Naharin 's Repertory
Regular fee:
€ 350,00 - NOD members rate
€ 350,00 + VAT 22% - Non members rate

Workshop included into NOD International Contemporary dance Program 2020/21 | 1st trimester
Monday till Friday
h: 10,00 - 13,30 Fabian' s work
Regular fee:
2 whole weeks
€ 320,00 - NOD members rate
€ 360,00 + VAT 22% - Non members rate
In the first part we will start heating the body with the breathing and the physicality of the body in
movement, working the movement from a scale of 0 to 10, to continue investigating and using
different ways of using the floor.
We will continue the work on the qualities of the movement, to know the limits of the body and to
be able to express actions reaching different states.
In a second part, we will work mainly on the improvisation with materials and guidelines that I have
given previously, in order to be able to develop even more the quality of the movement, navigating
through different states, both corporal and mental.
During the whole process of the class we will work with the movement, the improvisation, the
listening of one and of the others and the different sounds and rhythms of the body that can be
found to be able to dialogue between us, creating a space for sensations .