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Nuova officina della Danza - Torino - Danza contemporanea


For the academic year 2024 - 2025 in case of applications made after January 31st, ICD yearly and quarterly fees will increase. 


What is important to know

The ICD program can be individually constructed upon need and interest.

For example participating only in individual workshops, attending for a month, trimester or yearly.

NOD offers two international programs , ICD Program and NUOVA X Professional Dance Program, if interested, it is possible to apply for both programs.

How to apply

Fill out the google form by entering your cv and two separate links (only Vimeo or YouTube links no password will be accepted): one showcasing yourself in an improvisation session (1/2 minutes  sharing your skills/virtuosity as dancer, working with a task to your choice, tapping into what moves you as a movement artist/ sharing where you currently are in your movement research) and one to two minutes of a set choreography  (If sending a group footage please indicate which one of the dancers is you).

To attend the programs it is necessary to be a registered member and pay the registration fee of € 55,00. In case of individual workshops only, you are not required to be a member and the registration fees will include VAT at 22% ( If you are interested in more than one session, becoming a member is mandatory ).

  • In accordance with the current Italian laws we need a copy of a current medical certificate stating that you are in good health, before the trimester starting date. In the case of residency abroad, you will be asked to have a medical certificate issued by an Italian doctor here upon your arrival, stating that you are in good health. We will manage a visit for you on your arrival, this will be at your expense.

  • In the event that you pay VAT and do not become an associate member, a medical examination will not be required

To secure your place it’s necessary to:

Only after receiving our confirmation, we will send you the registration form to be returned completed and signed along with a copy of the deposit + the registrantion fee paid to

You can split the payment of the total tuition in agreement with the administration.

Pease consult the cancellation policy and the method of payment.

1 year program

From August 22 until June 28

TUITION: € 5.400,00 + € 55,00 registration fee | To be paid by the program starting date. You can split the payment in agreement with the administration

25 spots available | A non-refundable deposit of € 555,00 is required to reserve your spot.

Please consult the cancellation policy and the method of payment

The first trimester calendar  will be published by the end of May

Individual trimester

  • 1st trimester August 22 - December 22

TUITION € 2.230,00 + € 55,00 registration fee

Applications deadline August 11th

  • 2nd trimester January - March

TUITION € 1.820,00  + € 55,00 registration fee

Applications deadline September 30th

  • 3rd trimester April - June

TUITION  € 1.820,00  + € 55,00 registration fee

Applications deadline November 30th

To be paid by the program starting date. You can split the payment in agreement with the administration.

25 spots available | A non-refundable deposit of € 555,00 is required to reserve your spot.

Please consult the cancellation policy and the method of payment

The first trimester calendar will be published by the end of May

1 month

Apply for 1 month program (4 weeks)

TUITION: € 700,00 + € 55,00 registration fee | To be paid by the month starting date |


2 exception

If interested in 1 month only (4 weeks), and in case the 4 weeks iclude a session of Gaga and Ohad Naharin Repertoire, the cost will be € 900,00 instead of € 700,00

The monthly cost can vary depending on the teachers of the month and may include ballet classes. 

Until we have space | To reserve your spot the tuition must be paid in advance

Please consult the cancellation policy and the method of payment

You can choose the month to attend in the 2023 - 2024 ICD Page

Single workshop


Directed by Tom Weinberger

Important to know

The NUOVA X PROFESSIONAL DANCE PROGRAM is divided in 3 sessions. Every session, the program will involve a preselected group of dancers in two different creations with two different choreographers, each lasting five weeks.

NOD offers two different programs, ICD Program and NUOVA X Professional Dance Program, if interested, it is possible to apply for both programs.

How to apply

Fill out the google form by entering your cv and two separate links (only Vimeo or YouTube links no password will be accepted): one showcasing yourself in an improvisation session (1/2 minutes  sharing your skills/virtuosity as dancer, working with a task to your choice, tapping into what moves you as a movement artist/ sharing where you currently are in your movement research) and one to two minutes of a set choreography  (If sending a group footage please indicate which one of the dancers is you).

To attend the programs it is necessary to be a registered member and pay the registration fee of € 55,00. In case of individual workshops only, you are not required to be a member and the registration fees will include VAT at 22%.

  • In accordance with the current Italian laws we need a copy of a current medical certificate stating that you are in good health, before the trimester starting date. In the case of residency abroad, you will be asked to have a medical certificate issued by an Italian doctor here upon your arrival, stating that you are in good health. We will manage a visit for you on your arrival, this will be at your expense.

  • In the event that you pay VAT and do not become an associate member, a medical examination will not be required

To secure your place it’s necessary to:

Only after receiving our confirmation, we will send you the registration form to be returned completed and signed along with a copy of the deposit + the registrantion fee paid to

You can split the payment of the total tuition in agreement with the administration.

Pease consult the cancellation policy and the method of payment.

1 year program

From September 4 to June 28

TUITION: € 8.300,00 + € 55,00 | To be paid by the program starting date. You can split the payment in agreement with the administration.

25 spots available |A non-refundable deposit of € 1.000,00 is required to reserve your spot

Please consult the cancellation policy and the method of payment

Individual session

  • Session A from September 4 to November 24 

  • Session B  from January 8 to March 29

  • Session C from April 8 to June 28

TUITION FOR EACH SESSION: € 3.200,00   + € 55,00 | To be paid by the program starting          date. You can split the payment in agreement with the administration.

25 spots available | A non-refundable deposit of € 555,00 is required to reserve your spot

Please consult the cancellation policy and the method of payment

Visit Nuova X page to know more


Important to know

NOD offers two different programs , ICD Program and NUOVA X Professional Dance Program, in this page it is possible to apply for both programs.

The following discounted rates will be applied only if you decide to enroll in both programs from the beginning. No discounts will be applied if you decide to attend both programs during the quarter.

How to apply

Fill out the google form by entering your cv and two separate links (only Vimeo or YouTube links no password will be accepted): one showcasing yourself in an improvisation session (1/2 minutes  sharing your skills/virtuosity as dancer, working with a task to your choice, tapping into what moves you as a movement artist/ sharing where you currently are in your movement research) and one to two minutes of a set choreography  (If sending a group footage please indicate which one of the dancers is you).

To attend the programs it is necessary to be a registered member and pay the registration fee of € 55,00. In case of individual workshops only, you are not required to be a member and the registration fees will include VAT at 22%.

  • In accordance with the current Italian laws we need a copy of a current medical certificate stating that you are in good health, before the trimester starting date. In the case of residency abroad, you will be asked to have a medical certificate issued by an Italian doctor here upon your arrival, stating that you are in good health. We will manage a visit for you on your arrival, this will be at your expense.

  • In the event that you pay VAT and do not become an associate member, a medical examination will not be required

To secure your place it’s necessary to:

Only after receiving our confirmation, we will send you the registration form to be returned completed and signed along with a copy of the deposit + the registrantion fee paid to

You can split the payment of the total tuition in agreement with the administration.

Pease consult the cancellation policy and the method of payment.

1 year program

From August 22 to June 28

TUITION: € 13.200,00 + € 55,00  registration fee| To be paid by the program starting          date. You can split the payment in agreement with the administration.

25 spots available | A non-refundable deposit of € 1.055,00 is required to reserve your spot

Please consult the cancellation policy and the method of payment

2022 - 2023 dates and guest choreographers are posted on the course page: ICD  NUOVA X

The 2023 - 2024 calendar will be published by the end of May

Single Trimester

  • 1st trimester August 22 - December 22

TUITION € 4.770,00 + € 55,00 registration fee 

  • 2nd trimester January - March

TUITION € 4.455,00  + € 55,00 registration fee

  • 3rd trimester April - June

TUITION  € 4.455,00 + € 55,00 registration fee

To be paid by the program starting date. You can split the payment in agreement with the administration.

25 spots available | A non-refundable deposit of € 1.000,00 is required to reserve your spot.

Please consult the cancellation policy and the method of payment

2022 - 2023 dates and guest choreographers are posted on the course page: ICD  NUOVA X

The 2023 - 2024 calendar will be published by the end of May


1st + 2nd trimester

1st + 2nd trimester of both programs

TUITION: € 8.700,00 + € 55,00 registration fee​ | To be paid by the program starting date. You can split the payment in agreement with the administration.

25 spots available | A non-refundable deposit of € 1.000,00 is required to reserve your spot.

Please consult the cancellation policy and the method of payment

2022 - 2023 dates and guest choreographers are posted on the course page: ICD  NUOVA X

The 2023 - 2024 calendar will be published by the end of May

2nd + 3rd trimester

2nd + 3rd trimester of both programs

TUITION: € 8.300,00 + € 55,00 registration fee​ | To be paid by the program starting date. You can split the payment in agreement with the administration.

25 spots available | A non-refundable deposit of € 1.000,00 is required to reserve your spot.

Please consult the cancellation policy and the method of payment

2022 - 2023 dates and guest choreographers are posted on the course page: ICD  NUOVA X

The 2023 - 2024 calendar will be published by the end of May

Cancellation policy

If by reason of Act of God, beyond the control of either party, the workshop/s set out above are cancelled, exclusively for reasons attributable to the organization, it is the obligation of the organization itself, repay the entire amount paid for participation.

If you cancel, we regret that Nuova Officina della danza Asd cannot make any refunds. Please make sure that you can make the dates.

Once the deposit has been paid and confirmation of enrollment has been received, the user agrees to enroll in the program, as a result, the fee due, even if divided into multiple payments, will be due in full from the user even if the user decides to cancel and no longer participate in the program or in the event of an injury that no longer allows participation in the program.

Method of payment

  • Payment through bank transfers are made to: BANCA INTESA SAN PAOLO PIAZZA PAOLO FERRARI 10 - 20121 MILANO  - Benefiting:  NUOVA OFFICINA DELLA DANZA A.s.d.  IBAN - IT23B0306909606100000147245   BIC:   BCITITMM

  • It's mandatory to  specify your name, last name, trimester or starting date attending or what month.  Banking expenses are asked to be charged to the student

  • Payment through Paypal:  Paypal charges, around 4%  are asked to be charged to the student - NOD email  or tel numb +393491418033


To attend the programs it is necessary to be a registered member and pay the registration fee of € 55,00. In case of individual workshops only, you are not required to be a member and the registration fees will include VAT at 22%.

  • In accordance with the current Italian laws we need a copy of a current medical certificate stating that you are in good health, before the trimester starting date. In the case of residency abroad, you will be asked to have a medical certificate issued by an Italian doctor here upon your arrival, stating that you are in good health. We will manage a visit for you on your arrival, this will be at your expense.

  • In the event that you pay VAT and do not become an associate member, a medical examination will not be required

Nuova X
Method of paymen
Nuova officina della danza Torino

Nuova Officina della Danza a.s.d. 
Head Office Corso Guglielmo Marconi 3 - 10125 Turin

C.F. 977 33110015 P.I. 1056 7370019

Via Mantova, 34 - Turin
+39 3491418033           
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